
Board of Education

Vision Statement

 2023-2026 Strategic Plan Cover South Windsor Public Schools 2023-2026 Strategic Plan


Updated Lighted Field Brochure Cover - Draft     A Plan to Improve Our High School Campus and Increase Recreational Assets for the Community


The South Windsor Board of Education consists of nine members who are elected for a two-year term by the citizens of South Windsor. The election for the Board of Education is held in November on odd-numbered years. The next election of the Board of Education will be in November 2025.
The goals for the South Windsor Public Schools Board of Education are as follows.
  • Goal 1: Enhance learning opportunities for all students in all program areas.
  • Goal 2: Provide necessary resources to support educational initiatives documented in the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.
  • Goal 3: Encourage a positive and accepting culture in all schools for students, staff, and our community.
  • Goal 4: Review and update board policies, guidelines, and operating processes.
Connecticut's state constitution contains a guarantee of the right to an education by stating: "There shall always be free public elementary and secondary schools in the state. The General Assembly shall implement this principle by appropriate legislation." The General Assembly has delegated the responsibility to educate children to local and regional boards of education. Thus, school board members, although elected locally, are, in fact, agents of the State. In essence, the powers of the school board are granted by state statute and regulation.