
Series 5000 - Students

South Windsor Board of Education Policies


Series 5000 - Students

The South Windsor Board of Education Policies are included below. Click on any of the numbered items below to view the policy indicated. 

Link  5001  Attendance, Excused Absences, Truancy
Link  5002  Student Discipline
Link  5003  Suspension from Interscholastic Athletics
Link  5004  School District Lines
Link  5005  Nonresident Attendance
Link  5006  Homeless Students
Link  5007  Promotion and Retention
Link  5008  Confidentiality and Access to Education Records
Link  5009  Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
Link  5010  Use of Private Devices by Students
Link  5011
 Bullying Prevention and Intervention;
 Safe School Climate Plan
Link 5012
 Student Dress
Link  5013
 Administering Medications
Link  5014
 Automatic External Defibrillator 
Link  5015
 Health Assessments/Screenings and Immunizations
Link  5016
 Child Sexual Abuse and/or Sexual Assault Response
Link  5017
 Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Link  5018
 Concussion Management and Training for Athletic Coaches
Link  5019
 Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students and Use of Exclusionary Time Out
Link  5020
 Recess and Play-Based Learning
Link  5021
 Police in Schools
Link  5022
 Search and Seizure
Link  5023
 Uniform Treatment of Recruiters
Link  5024
 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the
 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Link  5025
 Nondiscrimination (Students);
 Discrimination Complaint Form
Link  5026
 Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Including Sex-Based Harassment
Link  5027
 Chemical Health for Athletes
Link  5028
 Management Plan and Guidelines for Students with Food Allergies
 and/or Glycogen Storage Disease
Link  5029  Sunscreen Application 
Link   5030  Improve Completion Rates of FAFSA