
Late Bus Information

Late Bus Information


Late Bus Routes
Late Bus Calendar

Late buses are typically offered every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to students at Timothy Edwards Middle School and South Windsor High School. See the Late Bus Calendar above for details.

here are only five (5) buses providing late bus service; therefore, their routes may not coincide with a student's home-to-school routes. Students may need to walk further as these buses only stop at intersections (unless traveling on Ellington Road, Oakland Road and Sullivan Avenue, where house stops are permitted). Due to the constant changes in ridership on late buses, we do suggest that students let the bus drivers know when they need to stop.

Color-coded maps are posted at both the middle school and high school so students can determine which bus will get the closest to home. Buses pick up at South Windsor High School and South Windsor Community Center at 4:00 p.m., and then pick up students at Timothy Edwards Middle School at 4:15 p.m.

If there is any question as to which late bus a student should take, and/or where the closest intersection would be, please call the Transportation Office at (860) 291-1252.